June lived a quiet life in CaZo Dance Theatre creative director Bridgette Borzillo’s closet for the majority of her young life. She started her dance career when she was chosen from a dozen candidates to be a key part of CaZo Dance Theatre’s (then Company) first Fall performance. Though she was initially excited, she hesitated, believing the story of Asylum ’66 was a little too dark—not her cup of tea. She eventually agreed to join the team after meeting her co-stars and bonding with the near-obsessive Candy Jimenez, who would be her partner throughout the show. June’s excitement for performing in her first show got the best of her when she accidentally smashed her brittle face into the stage floor during the opening number. As a true believer in “The show must go on”, June pushed through the injury to finish the show like the true class act that she is. Borzillo was kind enough to help patch her up with some special-grade superglue after the show, and after a long night of rest and recuperation, June was back in top form for the next day’s double feature.
Despite the injury, June talked Borzillo into allowing her to appear in every fall show since. She’s also appeared in a few additional festival pieces throughout the years. It wasn’t an easy road either, as she’s had to have surgery a few times due to extreme heat causing issues with multiple reconstructive surgeries.
She would like to thank Borzillo and all of the dancers, both past and present, for their love and support. This goes double for her dance partners, Candy and Patty Hernandez, as well as her body doubles, Lora Riddle and Cheyenne Yost. She wouldn’t trade her time with CaZo Dance Theatre for anything in the world, and she hopes to be able to continue her streak of appearing in CaZo fall shows until she is smashed beyond repair.