CaZo Dance Winter Camp

cazo dance studio rebecca boizelle tumbling instructor

December 28th, 29th, and 30th

Cazo Dance Center
Drop off: 8 – 9am; Camp: 9 – 4pm; Pick up: 4 – 5pm
Ages 4-12
(contact us for questions about age limits because we will make exceptions) 
Instructors: Miss Becca and Miss Sophia 

It’s Winter Camp! We will explore world dance, arts and crafts, theatre and many many games! Full Day Sessions will have students arrive between 8 and 9am, we will engage in arts and crafts and dance classes in the morning, break for lunch 12-1pm (Not included), and continue with theatre and acting activities, tumbling and working together to create a show for the end of the week. Parents can pick up their children between 4 and 5pm. We will invite all parents to join us for a performance on Friday at 4:30pm to end the camp. ONLY 12 Spots available. Tuition is $200 per student and $175 with our sibling discount! 

cazo dance winter camp dance class
cazo dance winter camp arts and crafts
cazo dance winter camp tumbling class
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